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Blue Sapphire Stone


Blue Sapphire gemstone is world famous for its beauty and astrological effect. In western country majority of people wear it in the form of fashion. But here in India it is wear according to Vedic astrology to get beneficial effect of Planet Saturn. Actor of millennium Mr. Amitabh Bachchan also wears in his middle finger.

Blue Sapphire mainly found in Bangkok, Sri Lanka, and Orissa and Kashmir.

Scientific Nature of Blue Sapphire:

As we know all sapphire is mineral likewise Blue Sapphire is form inside earth. This process takes thousands of thousand years. Blue Sapphire comes under Corundum group. It made up of Oxide of Aluminum (Al2O3), along with traces of some other element. Presence of element like iron and titanium make its color blue. Blue Sapphire in which excess of Iron appears blackish blue while in which iron present in lower amount light blue color appear.

Vedic Astrology and Blue Sapphire:

Blue Sapphire ruling planet is Saturn. Original Blue Sapphire or Original Neelam known to be shows their effect instantly. Astrologer suggest to wear this stone only if position of Saturn is not favorable in birth chart or if present in good house it is comparatively very weak. Therefore Saturn does not show their effect.

Blue sapphire should not wear without consultation of experienced and good astrologer. Because as blue sapphire show their good effect it can also show their bad effect if wear without consultation.

Orissa Blue Sapphire and Sri Lankan Blue sapphire is maximally use for astrological benefit. Because in Bangkok Blue sapphire there is high chance of treatment and Kashmiri Blue Sapphire is so expensive that common people cannot afford.

By convention it is believe that Energized Ruby is very powerful gemstone, therefore some astrologer ask to wear 12th part of body weight or some say 10th part. Our astrological science also says one should wear more than 5.25 ratti. If low weight of High grade Ruby is wear it will be equally effective.

Blue sapphire considered as birthstone for people who born in September month, according to western astrology. Blue Sapphire is considered as stone for 45th anniversary.

Who can wear:

Blue Sapphire should always wear after consultation with experienced astrologer. Different circumstance in birth chart can allow to wear Blue Sapphire Ring. If in your birth chart Saturn is not obsolete  or it is present in such house which are unlucky for you then Blue Sapphire is advisable to wear to get benefits of planet Saturn.

Apart from that it is wear to reduce effect of Mahadasha-Antardasha or Sade saati or Dhayya effect of Lord Saturn.

What weight of Blue Sapphire should wear:

By convention it is believe that Energized Blue Sapphire is very powerful gemstone, therefore some astrologer ask to wear 12th part of body weight or some say 10th part. Our astrological science also says one should wear more than 5.25 ratti. If low weight of High grade blue sapphire is wear it will be equally effective.

Precaution before purchase of Blue Sapphire:

Benefits of Blue Sapphire:

As all know that Blue Sapphire can instantly make one rags to king therefore they have similar effect.

Social Prestige:

Your social status and prestige increase multifold due to effect of Lord Saturn.    People recognize you as a person who loves justice. your importance increase     between your surroundings.

Provide high Status:

One get promoted or in commanding position due to blessing of Saturn.


Lord Saturn is owner of many things present in common life. If Lord Saturn is     good then person never goes scanty of anything. He can acquire anything of his need, and life can spend without any difficulty.

Total reward of your effort:

Lord Saturn is the Lord of justice and therefore wearer of Blue Sapphire get rewarded of their effort. Whatever he does in his life for good cause off course he does not fail.

Healthy and Disease free Body:

Lord Saturn is associated with human body, therefore good effect of lord Saturn makes strong bone to the wearer of Blue Sapphire.

Strong Determination and Positivity:

One will get their destination very easily if their birth chart possesses Lord Venus in good position. Laziness and tiredness not even touch them and feeling of strong determination inculcate. They perform every work with positive frame of mind therefore they succeed and become famous.

Blue Sapphire on the basis of genesis:

Kashmiri Blue Sapphire:

They are most beautiful and expensive. Their mesmerizing Blue color is incomparable. On the basis or morphology along with aluminum oxide they also have iron traces. Their range starts from 55000/ carat and goes upto 200000/ carat or even beyond that.

Sri Lankan Blue Sapphire:

They are also known as Ceylonese Blue Sapphire. Present days Ceylonese is mostly in demand. They are astrologically effective stones. On the basis of beauty they start from 1500/ carat to 40000/ carat and even beyond that. Their rate totally depends on market availability.

Bangkok Blue Sapphire:

Bangkok grows as very big market of gemstones. Here we don’t see any big mines for gemstone but treatment of gems occurs on very big level. Glass filling method is use for increase gem quality. Some astrologer believes that they are effective and some are not. Their price starts from 450/ carat to 2500/ carat.

Orissa Blue Sapphire:

This blue Sapphire mined in Orissa State on country India. These are not very beautiful. But if it checked with scientific basis then they come out as original Blue Sapphire. These are easily available with 200 to 300 rupees per carat. Their demand is low therefore its availability is also low. They are astrologically effective and there duplicate not possible.