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Emerald Stone


It also known as Panna. This is gemstone of pious planet Mercury. Because its positive effect these are mostly wearable stone. Emerald looks very beautiful in dark green in color. High quality Emerald stone gives soothing to effect to the eyes.

Scientific Structure:

Emerald belongs to Beryl Group. Chemically it is Beryllium aluminum silicate. Green Color due to presence of vanadium and chromium. This is very soft stone which can break by little impact. Its hardness on Mohr scale is 7.5 to 8.

Vedic Astrology and Emerald:

According to Vedic Astrology Emerald is stone of planet Mercury. They are wear to get positive effect of planet Mercury. This is pious planet gemstone therefore no need to extensive checking before wear this gemstone.

This is also wear in Antardash and Mahadasha of Planet Mercury.

It is believed that if Emerald is very clear and beautiful then wearer get their effect soon. But some thinker, astrologer does not consider this belief. They think then all gemstone are come from Mother Earth then how can be their effect different.

Western Astrology and Emerald:

According to western Astrology Emerald is birth stone for people who born on May. If you born May then you lucky stone will be Emerald.

Who can wear:

it is stone of planet Mercury and Mercury is related to intellect. So it is preferable to such people who are engage in work like Lawyer, Banking should wear this gemstone.

If you think your every work is failed and whatever you choose to work then failure happened. Then you should definitely wear this gemstone.

What weight should wear:

Emerald is very effective gemstone therefore some astrologer ask to wear 12th part of body weight and some say to wear 10th part of body weight. But one should wear not less then 5.25 ratti of real Emerald stone. If Emerald is higher quality then it is also favaroble to wear lesser amount of weight.

Precaution before purchase of Emerald:

Benefits of Emerald:

Emerald provides best and effective result. This is wear to get good result of Planet Mercury.

Increase Creativity:

Mercury is responsible for Intellectuality and he perform every work differently and insure work done in time. Emerald makes people quick witted. Therefore people relared to job like sales, performing arts, lawyer should wear this stone with giving any second thought.

Improve Farsightedness:

This is perfect stone for businessman.  Wearing this make people farsightedness and take right decision. And live with satisfaction with their work.

Make Intelligent:

Wearing Emerald make people Intelligent. Person will be powerful in calculation.

Improve Lifestyle:

Emerald ring wearer always take into consideration how people think about themselves. They improve their lifestyle for betterment to stay in society and such people followed by the people.

Improve Sixth Sense:

Wearer of Emerald improves their sixth sense. Such people thinking and decision power much better than others.

Emerald on the basis of Genesis:

Emerald found in many country like Brazil, Zambia, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, America and Australia. In Indian market Columbian, Zambian and Brazilian Emerald maximally found.

Columbian Emerald: Columbian Emerald is dark green in color and remains in demand in because it is very beautiful. It is available from rupee 2500 per carat to 2 lakh per carat.

Zambian Emerald: It is astrologically effective Emerald but lesser in beauty scale. These are Dark green in color but very minimum or zero transparency.  These are available from 1500 per carat to 1 lakh per carat.

Brazilian Emerald: These are also green in color but their transparency is minimum from above two. It is effective according to astrologically yet lesser in prize. Their market price starts from 500 per carat to 20000 per carat.