Iolite is also known as Neeli. Its color is blue therefore it is known as Neeli. This is sub stone of Blue Sapphire. It is second most important after Iolite sub stone.
Scientific structure:
Scientifically it is also known as magnesium iron alumina crystal silicate. Iron and magnesium is present in high proportion.
Vedic Astrology and Iolite:
Iolite is use as sub stone of Blue Sapphire. This stone balance the effect of Saturn. It protect from bad effect of Lord Saturn.
Western Astrology and Iolite:
Iolite considered as birthstone for people who born in September month, according to western astrology. It is stone of respect, truth and power in western astrology.
Who can wear:
Those entire person who want to good result of Saturn and somehow not able to acquire Blue Sapphire should wear Iolite.
Apart from that it is wear to reduce effect of Mahadasha-Antardasha or Sade saati or Dhayya effect of Lord Saturn.
It is wear as replace stone of Blue Sapphire.
What weight should Wear:
Anything above then 6 carat or 10th part of body weight will be sufficient.
Precaution before purchase of Iolite:
First consult with good and experience astrologer before purchase Iolite.
Always purchase Authentic Lab Certified Iolite. One should check before buying name, address, and contact no. of Lab mention or not.
Before purchase Iolite you should do little research about type of Iolite because market is filled with different type of Iolite. Hence it necessary to know what type of Iolite you want to purchase.
Typical confusion occurs before purchasing Iolite for his Price. Some are Cheap and some are very precious. In such situation make your own budget for Iolite and go for according to you set budget.
If you are purchasing Iolite online then take a look return policy and replacement policy on particular website, and also check sample certificate.
It is advisable before click “Online Buy Iolite” tab talk to customer care of particular website and then make your mind to purchase.
Benefit of Iolite:
According to Vedic Astrology you will get same benefit of Iolite as you would get in Blue Sapphire. But intensity would be lower.
Social Prestige:
Your social status and prestige increase multifold due to effect of Lord Saturn. People recognize you as a person who loves justice. Your importance will increase between your surroundings.
Provide high Status:
One get promoted or in commanding position due to blessing of Saturn.
Lord Saturn is owner of many things present in common life. If Lord Saturn is good then person never goes scanty of anything. He can acquire anything of his need, and life can spend without any difficulty.
Total reward of you Effort:
Lord Saturn is the Lord of justice and therefore wearer of Iolite get rewarded of their effort. Whatever he does in his life for good cause off course he does not fail.
Healthy and disease free Body:
Lord Saturn is associated with human body, therefore good effect of lord Saturn makes strong bone to the wearer of Iolite.
Strong Determination and Positivity:
One will get their destination very easily if their birth chart possesses Lord Venus in good position. Laziness and tiredness not even touch them and feeling of strong determination inculcate. They perform every work with positive frame of mind therefore they succeed and become famous.
Iolite on the basis of Genesis:
Iolite find mainly in Afghanistan and Egypt. In Indian market it prices ranges from 300/- per carat to 2500/- carat.